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Managing Change in Your Business with CRM

Change has never been more critical in business. Since March 2020, with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have been forced to change the systems and processes that are integral to their functioning to keep up with the change in consumer and business culture. As more consumers rely on digital technology, so must the companies that serve them. 

The problem is so critical now that many businesses are enlisting the help of Change Management specialists. These experts can put together strategies and solutions to help propel flagging businesses into the modern age and, most importantly, keep them there even as things continue to change further.

So, how does Change Management help your business become more adaptable?

What is the definition of Change Management?

Broadly speaking, Change Management helps businesses and their employees take on the challenges of change within day-to-day and long-term work. On an individual level, the focus is to ensure that employees feel confident in tackling new challenges at work, while on a larger scale, it ensures that the central systems of a business are equipped for adopting new processes. 

Change Management uses analytics to derive helpful, relevant insights which educate employees on how to make sustainable changes. Transformations made within a company need to be manageable at every level and must be suitable in the long-term. 

Quick fixes and temporary solutions are the enemies of Change Management; instead of plastering over the problem, the need for change should be embraced as an opportunity for company growth, for developing a better understanding of your customers, and for rooting out traditional processes that are outdated, ineffectual, and costly.

What is Digital Transformation?

In today’s newly-emerging delocalised culture, change is coming in the form of digitisation. For your business to truly leverage the benefits of a digital society, a smart Digital Transformation Strategy is almost essential.

Digital Transformation is the process of integrating digital technology into every aspect of your business. It totally changes how you communicate with customers, fulfil sales and orders, and manage data and inventory behind the scenes. More than this, however, Digital Transformation is a shift in priority. It takes businesses away from simply following well-known procedures and using traditional software, hardware, and data management techniques, and asks them to innovate. Digital Transformation stresses the importance of being unique, of creating solutions to specific problems with individual businesses, and of offering customers an experience they won’t get anywhere else

What is Digital Transformation in real terms?

To understand Digital Transformation better, we can break it down into a series of objectives or aspirational goals. Some, if not all, will resonate with your business:

  • Provide a solution to specific problems that are threatening your business’ survival
  • Streamline conflicting or confusing business systems and processes
  • Make how your business operates more customer-centric
  • Bridge the digital gap that has emerged between you and the customers who relied on face-to-face service
  • Expand your customer service and support tools
  • Establish safety nets and protocols for when supply chains break down

Though your Digital Transformation Strategy will be unique to you, the key goals remain the same. Every business is experiencing a version of the same shift; and, for this reason, there are key changes that can be made across the board to achieve some of these goals.

Is CRM the answer?

For many businesses, the answer to Digital Transformation is finding the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. As a one-stop-shop for all business processes, with often fully customisable workflows, dashboards, and applications, CRM systems are the perfect solution to digitisation. 

Run your whole business on Salesforce

Salesforce is probably the best-known name in CRM software right now, and for good reason. Salesforce offers businesses all the benefits of CRM, but with the additional opportunities for customisation and resources that will be essential in the coming years. 

With the right CRM software, you can do all of this and more:

  • Organise customer data safely, securely, and intelligently
  • Automate the sales and supply process
  • Boost employee productivity
  • Cut out time-consuming admin by keeping all departmental records together
  • Quickly communicate with customers across channels in a personalised way
  • Automate and personalise digital marketing campaigns
  • Build custom workflows for day-to-day processes, sales journeys, and troubleshooting problems
  • Derive insights from business data, so you can convert more leads, design products that match the trends, and offer customers better support

Consleague’s Discovery Mapping Programme

At Consleague, helping businesses manage change is what we do. Our Discover Mapping Programme puts you in direct contact with a Salesforce specialist who can work with you to devise a strategy that puts your best foot forward. We’ll show you how the features of Salesforce can be leveraged to boost revenue and improve business processes, whilst also saving you time and money. Our recommendations are always specific to you, driving you towards a more successful future where change is embraced, rather than feared. 

To find out more about our Discovery Mapping Programme, book a 30-minute no-obligation call with one of our solution experts.

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Discovery Mapping Programme

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