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TREATT New Client Win

We were first introduced to TREATT in late 2019 – we were engaged with a view to implementing a fit-for-purpose CRM platform that would enable the organisation to not only operationally improve, but also of equal importance, deliver strategic goals. 

Unfortunately, due to other organisation-wide initiatives, the CRM was put on hold and in the interim TREATT continued with research independently.

In October 2020, TREATT reengaged with Consleague, highlighting that a volume of CRM research had been concluded and that the resulting options were diverse (both features and cost). 

As such, TREATT provisioned the services of Consleague to undertake a detailed discovery process, the purpose of which was as follows:

  • Identify where CRM could add significant benefit to the organisation
  • Recommend a roadmap for the implementation of CRM
  • Provide detailed costs associated with the above

Throughout October several workshops were undertaken, facilitated by the Consleague consultancy team and involving circa 30 members of the TREATT team from various business areas including:

  • Leadership
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Procurement
  • Product
  • Technical
  • Legal
  • Finance

In total, circa 90-man hours were invested in the workshops themselves, providing the Consleague team with a rich and detailed understanding of the business, its processes and the supporting technology.

Using this information, the Consleague Consultancy team were able to put together a discovery report that highlights a number of opportunities and a path that in our opinion will deliver the maximum benefit to the organisation with minimal associated risks.

It is worthy of note that the implementation of a CRM for TREATT represents a significant step-change in technology support for the whole organisation. However, it is also important to recognise that the implementation path of such a project must be carefully phased to ensure that benefits are realised early and throughout the project rather than as the result of a monolithic project. 

We recommended that a CRM implementation should be considered a priority activity for the organisation and that delaying such an initiative will make the implementation more time consuming and complex in the future. 

Additionally, we noted that there are a number of opportunities in the future for the CRM platform to complement or replace existing technology components that have aged or require further investment to be considered fit for purpose.

Therefore we advised that the topic of CRM be considered as a mid-scale long term project delivered in phases that over time transforms the overall technology architecture of the organisation. 

TREATT accepted our report and recommendations and, in late November, awarded Salesforce the contract for CRM products/licences and Consleague the project to implement the solution.

If you would like further information on the TREATT project or to discuss your project in more detail, schedule a 30-minute call with one of our Solution Experts.

Click here to read about more of Consleague’s clients.

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Discovery Mapping Programme

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