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Looking to hire a MuleSoft developer? Read our top 5 tips to make the right choice.

MuleSoft is a Salesforce technology company that helps to connect business systems like applications, devices, data and more with APIs. Hiring a dedicated MuleSoft developer is one way to ensure that your company can effectively digitally transform and operate within a technologically advanced ecosystem. 

But what do you need to consider before hiring a MuleSoft developer? In this blog, we explore five key tips to help you make the right choice. 

5 tips for hiring the right MuleSoft developer:

1. Know the skills you require

Hiring someone for a highly technical job is never an easy process if you’re not an expert yourself. The easiest place to start is to know the soft and hard skills you want your MuleSoft developer to possess. 

Ideally, the person who fills the position should be experienced in either MuleSoft and/or the Salesforce environment. You will also want them to have experience with integration projects and sufficient knowledge of MuleSoft. 

2. Think about hiring a freelancer 

If you are not entirely sure how much MuleSoft development needs to be conducted, you may want to look at just hiring a freelance expert in the short term. This option saves money, allows for a certain flexibility and is a reliable way to find an experienced MuleSoft expert. 

However, the downside of hiring a freelancer to help with MuleSoft is that their time is often limited, and their focus may be spread across a number of projects. Nevertheless, you should still consider using a freelancer, especially if you think the workload won’t be too heavy. 

3. Understand the responsibilities, skills and workload of your current IT team 

It is important to understand the makeup of your current team before bringing in new developers. If you already have a team member with some knowledge of Mulesoft, maybe it is worth investing in that individual’s training before making a new hire. 

In a 2020 Mulesoft Connectivity Benchmark Report, they stated that 80% of the capacity of an average internal IT team is spent on maintaining integrations. But is this the case for your company? Understand your integration workload and know the areas where a MuleSoft developer can ease that burden before making a decision. 

4. Assess how MuleSoft will impact your business

When used effectively, MuleSoft can help you save tons of resources in the long-term. As you are looking for MuleSoft developers, you should also be evaluating the needs of your business as a whole. 

Where could you be making savings? How could you improve your processes?

And, how will MuleSoft’s ability to connect disparate systems together and enhance integration, impact the way you conduct business? 

5. Focus on innovation 

Finally, it’s essential to consider how MuleSoft can help you innovate. One of the main responsibilities of your IT department will be maintenance. However, if you have implemented MuleSoft, the focus of your IT team can now switch towards innovation. 

Therefore, if you want to bring in a MuleSoft developer, you should also consider the areas where you want to push for innovation, and hire a developer with the necessary skills, drive and creativity. 

A MuleSoft developer will help you integrate and modernise without any unnecessary hassle. To ensure you approach integration properly, make sure to follow our five key tips. 

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