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How CRM is integral to the latest breed of Fintechs keeping up with increased demand and scalability

The prevalence and importance of digital channels has taken a sharp rise during the pandemic. They have been integral to the success of businesses worldwide during periods of lockdown and remote working. As we return to normal, many expect that we will continue to use digital alternatives, and ecommerce businesses will be flooded with demand. 

As the latest breed of Fintechs attempt to keep up with increased demand and scalability, how can CRMs like Salesforce assist their digital evolution and support their continued growth

Fintechs are looking to improve their infrastructure and processes

Fintech companies have transformed the financial services sector. But are the current crop of Fintechs equipped to deal with the problems of tomorrow? 

The best way to plan for the future is to prepare well and focus on the fundamentals. For Fintechs, this means establishing an infrastructure that is flexible and easy to adapt, and putting in place processes capable of serving the ever increasing demands of consumers. 

Consumers demand a better experience from their service providers, which is especially true within the Fintech sector. When customer experience is a significant determinant of success for any Fintech brand, a Customer Relationship Management platform like Salesforce is the ideal solution

How can CRMs like Salesforce help Fintechs to succeed?

As the market expands, Fintechs must ensure they have the right technology, processes and solutions in place to keep up with their customers’ needs and desires. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform like Salesforce is the ideal potential solution for Fintechs looking to evolve and address the demands of modern business. 

Salesforce allows Fintechs to streamline their processes and data. With Salesforce, Fintechs can have an integrated platform that will eliminate data silos and get rid of multiple inefficient systems. Equally, Salesforce enables Fintechs to interact with customers and clients in real-time, which should result in companies converting more leads and improving customer retention. 

CRMs such as Salesforce decrease the risk of inefficient processes, data security breaches, miscommunication, compliance mishaps and general errors because you are able to consolidate all your data in one accessible platform. This also allows Fintechs to provide a more comprehensive and enjoyable experience for clients. Salesforce enables businesses to communicate with customers in a timely and relevant manner, using the right channels.

The latest breed of Fintechs

The future of Fintechs is bound to involve continual adaptation and growth. As we move forward from the pandemic, Fintech companies will have room to expand and will need to in order to keep up with increased demand and scalability. 

CRMs like Salesforce will play a significant role in the future of many Fintech businesses. CRMs will be integral to supporting and evolving the infrastructure and process of Fintech enterprises to ensure that they can keep up with the demands of modern business. The latest breed of Fintechs look set to expand, and they will need CRMs like Salesforce and consulting partners to help them do so successfully. 

To learn more about CRMs and how Consleague can help you succeed, schedule a call with one of our Solution Experts.

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