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Is your current Salesforce Partner meeting your expectations?

Common pitfalls to avoid when selecting your Salesforce Consulting Partnership

The key to success when using Salesforce is to have a committed Salesforce partner that suits your business and provides the necessary expertise and assistance.  

Unfortunately, many businesses often fall into the same trap when selecting a Salesforce consulting partner, and quickly the relationship becomes strained and they receive unsatisfactory results.  

This blog highlights some of the most common pitfalls to watch out for when looking for your Salesforce consulting partner. 

1. Focusing on price over quality 

One of the common mistakes businesses make when looking for a suitable Salesforce Partner is to focus on price rather than prioritising quality. You may be tempted to search for the cheapest options but this will inevitably lead to unsatisfactory results. 

Overall, it is smarter, especially from a financial perspective, to invest in a Salesforce consulting partner that has a record of quality and expertise. In the long run, this is likely to save you money and provide you with solutions that will make your processes more efficient and cost-saving. 

If you are just looking for a short-term solution, then it is worth checking out Salesforce’s Pro Bono Volunteer Program for free expert guidance and project advice.  

2. Deciding too quickly

You may be eager to find a partner that can help you make a difference right now but, if you rush the process, you may end up with disappointing results. The selection of a Salesforce partner should be a measured process that enables you to make an informed decision at the end. 

Make sure you complete a proper exploration of the market. Use your network and contacts for references, and browse Salesforce platforms like Trailblazer Community and AppExchange which will give you a more comprehensive selection of consulting agencies. Spend some time reading through the portfolios and client case studies of Salesforce consulting partners

3. Lacking basic Salesforce knowledge 

To make the best decision and find the most appropriate Salesforce consulting partner, you have to know a bit about Salesforce yourself. This may seem obvious, but it is vital. 

Familiarise yourself with the basic Salesforce terms and technical jargon. It will help the decision-making process if you can speak the same language as your consulting candidate. Learn about the various Salesforce products that will be relevant to your business and aspirations. 

There are free product demo and explanation videos at, which you can use to improve your knowledge. They will help you be prepared for your consulting candidate meetings. 

4. Hiring a consultant that has no relevant experience

Technical skills and certifications are not the only elements you should be looking for when deciding on a Salesforce partner. Industry expertise is also highly important. You need a Salesforce consulting partner with the expertise and experience of working and succeeding with businesses within your sector. 

If you find a consulting partner with relevant experience, they are also likely to have a good amount of resources and will know how to navigate a business like yours through the Salesforce landscape. 

5. Hedging short-term rather than long-term

If you’re looking for a quick solution, think again. Your partnership with a Salesforce consultant should not finish as soon as your CRM is deployed. The post-implementation phase is just as essential, and it is important to find a partner that will provide ongoing maintenance and support. 

Too many businesses fall into this short-term trap. Instead, you should be creating meaningful long-term relationships with consulting partners to ensure the enduring success of your CRM tool and business. 

Schedule a call with us today and discover how we can help to set up, configure, and customise Salesforce CRM to meet your business needs.

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Book a free no-obligation call with our CRM Solution Experts. The process will help your busines to avoid all the common pitfalls listed above!