Salesforce character driving a forklift truck lifting a screenshot of Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud
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The Benefits of the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud

The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud is a tailor-made CRM that will help manufacturing companies connect product, sales, planning and communication across their ecosystem. The manufacturing industry is evolving rapidly, and a cloud-based customer relationship management system is the best way to adapt and improve. 

In 2019, Salesforce launched their Manufacturing Cloud because they saw that manufacturers were in need of a modern, sophisticated and secure way to view their entire operations.

Features of Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud and how you can benefit from implementing Manufacturing Cloud into your business 

Meet your targets and streamline your processes 

The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud enables manufacturers to work as a cohesive unit. The software allows companies to connect departments and creates a unified system of operations that eliminates tiresome manual steps and removes the possibility for human error. This can be vital when businesses are submitting sales or fulfilment orders. 

With the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud, you can create reliable data through an efficient and fool-proof process that allows Sales and Operations to work together in harmony. 

Manage your inventory

As a manufacturer, being able to manage your inventory properly is a priority. Gone are the days of paper, pencils and staples. The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud allows complete digital transformation and allows manufacturers to track customer demand, organise stock and automate processes. 

Too much stock will leave you financially unstable. On the other hand, a lack of stock will frustrate and reduce your customer base. The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud allows you to strike a manageable balance with your inventory. 

Create accurate and insightful predictions 

The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud gives companies access to invaluable reporting and insights. These data sets and easy-to-use reports can then be used to create vital predictions so that your business can plan for the future. This allows you to efficiently allocate resources and identify areas where you can improve your manufacturing workflow. 

Track leads

One of the key features and benefits of the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud is the ability to track leads through the sales process. This enables manufacturers to gain insights into their business and understand what sales strategies work for particular customers. The automated system makes tracking easy and will result in improved conversion rates. 

Update contracts

An automated digital process for contract management ensures that you can update, alter and organise contracts at the touch of a button. The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud is a single source of truth. This unified system of operations minimises legal risks and allows departments to function efficiently. 

Using the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud

The Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud can be easily integrated into your organisation and will enhance workflows throughout your company. Updating to a cloud-based system that puts customers and collaboration at the forefront of your operations, will help you stay relevant and competitive. 

Salesforce is being used throughout the manufacturing industry because it is reliable, easy to use and flexible. To learn more about implementing the Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud and how you can improve your processes and relationships, schedule a call today with one of our solution experts.

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